BOSTON – Senator Diana DiZoglio has been endorsed by UNITE HERE Local 26 — the largest hospitality union in the state — for Auditor of Massachusetts, citing her long-standing championship of workers’ rights. “Diana DiZoglio has worked in hospitality. She knows our struggles and has been a champion for our issues,” said Carlos Aramayo, president of UNITE HERE Local 26. “We are proud to endorse her candidacy for Massachusetts Auditor.” The 12,000-member hotel and food workers union is one of the most diverse and politically powerful organizations in the City of Boston. Its members work in Boston and Providence’s best hotels, restaurants, and university dining halls, in addition to the Boston Convention Centers, Fenway Park and Logan International Airport. They clean hotel rooms, greet guests, and prepare and serve food for hundreds of thousands of travelers to the northeast. “Hospitality workers keep our cities and towns thriving, and their service makes this Commonwealth the wonderful place that it is,” said Sen. DiZoglio. “As a proud former waitress and house cleaner, a legislator, and a candidate for State Auditor, I am honored by their support. I will always stand with working families for living wages, critical benefits and respect.” To date, DiZoglio has also been endorsed by the Boston Carmen’s Union, Iron Workers Local 7, Machinists District 15, the MBTA Inspectors Union, Operating Engineers Local 4, the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts, Teamsters Local 170 and the National Association of Government Employees.