Who is Diana?
Diana DiZoglio is the current Massachusetts State Auditor, representing the entire Commonwealth as the youngest serving statewide Constitutional Officer.
As the daughter of a single mother who had her at 17, Diana has always had to fight for the things that have mattered to her. A student of Massachusetts public schools, she went to Middlesex Community College. She later earned a financial scholarship to Wellesley College.
After serving in the legislature as an aide, as Chief of Staff for the 12,000 member Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts, and years of work for local nonprofits and community organizations, she won her first race for public office in 2012. Diana served three terms as State Representative for the 14th Essex District. In 2018 was elected to the State Senate.
Diana wants to make sure that no one — no matter their background, bank balance or zip code — receives different treatment on Beacon Hill. She is using her experience to fight for transparency and accountability for the people of Massachusetts.