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The Massachusetts AFL-CIO Endorses Diana

BOSTON – Senator Diana DiZoglio has been endorsed by the Massachusetts AFL-CIO for Auditor of Massachusetts, citing her lived experience and championship of working people.

"As our next Auditor, Senator Diana DiZoglio will continue to hold contractors and corporations accountable and ensure that workers are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve,” said Steven A. Tolman, president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO. “Senator DiZoglio is a fighter who has lived our struggles, and she will continue to be a champion for working people's issues as the next Massachusetts Auditor."

The Massachusetts AFL-CIO represents nearly half a million labor members in the Commonwealth.

“As your next State Auditor, I will never forget who I’m working for: the people,” said Sen. DiZoglio. “I am honored and so very grateful to have earned the endorsement of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO. I will always stand with our workers and their families as we continue the fight for economic, social and racial justice in the workplace and throughout the Commonwealth.”

To date, DiZoglio has also been endorsed by the Massachusetts Nurses Association, National Association of Government Employees (NAGE), UNITE HERE 26, IBEW Local 223, Boston Carmen’s Union, Iron Workers Local 7, Machinists District 15, the MBTA Inspectors Union, Operating Engineers Local 4, the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts, Teamsters Local 170 and 25, and the Puerto Rican PAC of Lawrence.


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